Coup:Any Military Intervention By Nigeria Without The Support Of Nigeriens Is Dead On Arrival – CUPP

Coup:Any Military Intervention By Nigeria Without The Support Of Nigeriens Is Dead On Arrival – CUPP

August 5, 2023
The Coalition of United Political Parties (CUPP) has warned the Nigerian government to desist from any intention of intervening militarily in the internal affairs happening in the Niger Republic. Recall that recently, some top military officials in Nigeria toppled the elected president, Mohammed Bazoum, from his seat, which didn’t go well with the Federal Government of Nigeria, which is planning to intervene militarily.

In a report by the Punch paper, the co-national spokesman of the CUPP, Mark Adebayo, said, “It has come to our attention the preparations by Nigeria and some other West African countries for a military intervention in the Niger Republic, ostensibly to reinstate the overthrown civilian government in the country. First, Nigeria, in its current socioeconomic state, cannot afford such a costly intervention. The Nigerian military has been overstretched over the years, battling terrorism and all manner of insurgencies that are still very active and draining the country’s resources to the tune of billions of Naira weekly.”


“It is not only unnecessary but absolutely thoughtless for Nigeria to contemplate intervening militarily in the internal affairs of another country when the security situation in our own country remains a serious challenge to our military and other security agencies with an economy that is currently sick.”

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Furthermore, he stated, “It is neither a war that Nigeria can afford nor win, especially in the face of the overwhelming popularity of the coup among the generality of Nigeriens. Any military intervention without the support of the people of Niger is dead on arrival, and it is glaring that the coup that toppled President Mohammed Bazoum was a widely popular one.”

Mr. Adebayo urged the Nigerian government to leave Niger alone to determine their future by themselves

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