Esan South East LGA of Edo State Nigeria deserves the best

The zeal and will of a people cannot be better promulgated and accentuated at critical decision making times as these.

When the realization of their potentials have been perpetually strangulated over the decades.

The result has been a collosal short fall in expectations, demands, yearnings and sustainable livelihood viza viz the dearth of rational behaviour required by social customs.

The repugnant and decadent state of life in our society today is a far cry from what used to be obtainable while we were still youths in the 70s and 80s attending St. John Boscos college Ubiaja, Pilgrim Baptist School Ewohimi and Secred Heart College in Ubiaja just to mention a few.

Times were, when tap water flowed in the streets of our Towns and Villages. The hope for the future was as clear as a crystal ball in the midnight woods.

However, the usurpers came and laid bare the land, raping and living her bleeding.

Who then shall save the land? Who then will bell these vicious wild cats so we can ward them off when they come calling again?

Esan South East LGA. has the human resources capable of healing and transforming the local government fortunes into an enviable model amongst comity of LGAs.

Referencing the foregoing analytical experiences , it will be most proper and expedient for our people to take compelling actions that will bail out ESELGA from these plethora of quagmire which has held her hostage, while her people drink from the waters of anxiety, suspense and vain expectations.

The little window of opportunity made available to us to bail ourselves out of the cubicle of wickedness has presented itself again by virtue of the constitution, through the local government election coming up in september 2023.

Recall that Local government election has bee detained and delayed by the Governor of Edo State for over three years now and the people surcharged of their grassroot representation which would have added some dint of colours to their livelihood generally.

The good people of Esan south East should take it as a point of duty to relieve these surrogate leaders of their malevolence acts through the forthcoming LGA election.

The very man who stands tall and out to deliver the goods given the enabling tools is our dynamic comrade from Ubiaja in Esan South East LGA. Comrade Emmanuel Idogen.

Comrade Emmanuel Idogen is a man who has crossed many political waters with majestic strokes and effortless discharge.

He is currently serving in an executive capacity through till date.

He is instrumental to the numerous reforms and plans that saw Ajinomoto foods Nig Ltd become a household synonym for success and delicacies in Nigeria.

As one of the foremost Labour leaders of the food and beverage Company, He ensured that workers welfare was at the top most priority of the company.

No wonder he served first tenure and currently serving his second tenure as TUC Vice Chairman Lagos state council without blemish.

Comrade Emmanuel Idogen is the chairman of the famous Ubiaja youths association Lagos branch.

His synergy with other branches of the association and the Ubiaja Community Development Union has helped to create the enabling environment for the management of the UCDU performance to the best of their capacity without prejudice to other communities.

Comrade Emmanuel Idogen has been tainted to be the new Obama of Esan South East LGA owing to his intellectual capacity to quickly access, evaluate, profer solutions and action plans at every demanding situations.

A Vote for Comrade Emmanuel Idogen is a vote for a Esan South East of our dreams and a departure from those elements that has their knee in the neck of our society.

*Vote Comrade* *Emmanuel Idogen*
*Esan South East LGA*

*Patrice Odiboh*

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