Happy birthday Hon. Prince Odi Okojie

The House of Representative member elect for Esan South East and Esan North East Federal Constituencies Prince Odi Okojie is a year older today the 15th day of May 2023.

We the staffs and management of edotodaynews.comedotodaynews.com wishes to Felicitate with you today on this auspicious moment, As you add one more year to age.

We wish you very many happy returns of this same day in good health, long life and prosperity.

Recall that Prince Odi Okojie, who is a vibrant and sociable youth is to be sworn in with other house of representative members on the 29th day of may 2023.

This birthday serves as a tonic to reflect on the sobreity of the promises he made to his constituent during electioneering campaign.

As an ardent christian and a man of his words, it is a time to reflect on the journey ahead for a better tomorrow.

While speaking with edotodaynews.com He affirmed that there is not much to be celeberated untill his people are liberated from the shakles of under development that can be ascribed to a lot of factors, which if properly tamed and tackled will enable the right frame of mind for celeberations.

He also stated that, the confidence reposed on him by his people cannot be trivialised and that this is just the beginning of a taller prospect for his people.

He urge the people of his constituent to use this occassion of his birthday to show him more love by praying for him to succeed in his promises to them. As he rightly put it Vox populi, Vox Dei, meaning “the voice of the people is the voice of God.

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