Nigeria 135,000 army standing against 40,000 of Mali, Niger, B’Faso

Nigeria 135,000 army standing against 40,000 of Mali, Niger, B’Faso

Published 4 days ago on August 7, 2023By Sunday Odibashi

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The military strength of Nigeria, currently 135,000, is being drawn up statistically  against the total of 40,000 military strength of three West African Countries on the shelf of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which include Niger Republic, Mali and Burkina Faso, as the crisis in Niger Republic rages on.

Addition of the 35,00 military strength of neighbouring Chad Republic in Central Africa will further push the figure to 75,000 of the military might of countries proximity to Nigeria in the sub-regions.

The statistics, however, excludes Guinea.

However, it cannot be ascertained if wars are won on statistics of military strength. These are sovereign countries with inbuilt military to defend their territorial integrity and ward off external aggressors.

The classified statistics of the respective countries vis-a-vis Nigeria is as follows:


Active Personnel
Nigeria: 135,000

Mali: 18,000
Niger: 10,000
Burkina Faso: 12,000
Chad: 35,000

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