Sir Victor Udegbe, The Unblemish heirling of Esan North East LGA Chairmanship aspiration

Voic populi, Voic Dei (The voice of the people is the voice of God)

When A Daniel come to judgement, The People rejoices

Esan North East LGA deserves a break from the claws of nefarous hegemonies which has knelt on their necks for close to a decade or more.

The agents of setbacks has to be dislodged so the people can have a breath of fresh air.

Great People of Esan North East LGA, The time is now to experience your desired yeanings and aspirations.

When Good People are voted to power, The people rejoice but when bad people are elected to power, the people laments.

Let us put on the whole armour of God and push out the enemies of progress and destiny in our father land so that the labours and legacies of our fathers can manifest upon us.

Vote Sir Victor Udegbe for Chairman
Vote Progress and Prosperity for our father land

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