Tribunal: There Might Be A Rerun Of Election Or The Entire Election May Be Re-conducted – Primate Elijah Ayodele


Tribunal: There Might Be A Rerun Of Election Or The Entire Election May Be Re-conducted – Primate Elijah Ayodele

July 8, 2023

Primate Elijah Ayodele, the leader of the INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, has in his prophecies predicted the end of the ongoing 2023 presidential election result trials at the tribunal, and concluded that there are chances of a rerun of the February 25 election, an entire new election, or they would leave the result the way it is.

In a report by Sun papers, the spiritual leader made this prophecies while responding to questions by correspondents during the launch of his book of annual prophecies in Lagos.

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He first mentioned that he foresee the tribunal losing the image of its members if they do not give a clear judgement. He also mentioned foreseeing that INEC will no longer be seen as an unbiased umpire but as a clearing house for all manners of election results.

Further speaking, he assumed that at the end, the best option left will be to have an election rerun or another election entirely, or the result will be taken as it is, although he mentioned that the ruling party would not want a rerun. Below is a part of his statement followed by a screenshot of his speech according Sun papers.

“The best option will be either they go for a rerun or another election entirely or they leave it the way it is. The ruling party will not want a rerun. They will seek various lines of defence and it will not hold water as expected

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