Ukraine war live: Russian troops retreat from Bakhmut ‘in bad order’ 

Ukraine war live: Russian troops retreat from Bakhmut ‘in bad order’ 

Updated 7 minutes ago

  1. Ukrainian troops open fire with a howitzer near Bakhmut

Russian forces have withdrawn from their positions on the southern flank of Bakhmut in bad order over the last four days, the Ministry of Defence has said.

The retreat has seen Ukrainian forces regain at least a kilometre of territory, the ministry said in its daily intelligence update.

“The area has some tactical significance because it was a Russian bridgehead on the western side of the Donets-Donbas Canal, which marks the front line through parts of the sector,” the intelligence update said.

Ukrainian forces appear to have gone on the attack in Bakhmut, pushing Russian forces back after months of drawn-out street battles in the eastern town.

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